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A Year On From Brexit: ‘Business As Usual’ for Recruiters

Simon Hearn quoted in HuntScanlon Media, reflecting on the thoughts for Brexit and the future.

“CEO and chairman confidence is there and likely to be consistent until later in the Brexit negotiations; a year or two from now is when this could all change. Most are ‘just getting on with it’ and completing the important hires they need to get done.” Interestingly – most of the increase in hiring that Per Ardua has seen is replacement, and not growth, recruitment. As a retail financial services and insurance specialist, Mr. Hearn sees CEO confidence in the banking sector. Insurance is extremely busy and surprisingly asset management and real estate have perked up after a sluggish start, he pointed out. “Asset management in the U.K. is under attack from regulators and other market pressures – so this is surprising,” noted Mr. Hearn, who said Per Ardua has kicked off 2017 with the best first quarter in its 10-year history.

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