An excellent dinner was held at the top of the Gherkin with a number of key HR Directors from the Insurance sector. Kim Birnie, Leadership Development Consultant and Executive Coach, facilitated a fascinating debate around how HR Leaders can help their Executives to manage the pace of change facing the industry. Key themes emerged around knowing when to push for change and what will happen to those Leaders who can’t adapt quickly enough or recognise the way the workplace is changing.

Digitisation and the use of robotics were discussed as well as the need for an increasingly flexible approach to the employee/ employer relationship. Finally we looked at the need for creative and innovative leadership alongside the pressure of increasing regulation – often two opposing pressures for CEOs to reconcile.
The main conclusion to the evening was that the pace of change facing the Financial Services sector is unprecedented and unlikely to slow down – the Leaders of the future that remain successful will be those that are able to attract and retain the best talent in the market and constantly adapt to changing market conditions